Morning Prayer December 19 2014

fight_for_the_rightFather, we come to You this morning, again, and still thankful for the blessing of another day. We again, and continue to pray the Holy Spirit will guide us through this day in such a way that it will be both acceptable and pleasing to You.

Lord, give us ears to hear the Holy Spirit distinctly when He speaks to us, give us a passion for hearing His words as they guide us through this life. Lord, give us a determination to follow His lead, wherever it may take us, and an unquenchable thirst for Your truth, and word.

Lord, give those of us who wish to fight the good fight, to enter into the battle for the kingdom, to have a power, and strength that can only come from You when facing the enemy. Let us enter into battle with full courage, full armor, and in total humility and meekness.

Lord, let the reward of our battle be saved souls, and those in abundance. Lord, guide our feet into the battle, place us in front of the enemy, and give us the words of power that will change a life.

Lord, let our lives be an open bible to those who do not have one. Lord, help us control our thoughts, words, and actions, and avoid all behavior that would be displeasing to You, but let us be all things to all men if it will further the kingdom.

Lord, we pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


About Jim & Jody

We sell real estate in the Tulsa Oklahoma area for Chinowth & Cohen Realtors. We have been selling real estate in Tulsa for about 7 years, however Jim has been in and around the Real Estate business since 1991. He is a former Broker Associate in Kansas, has earned his GRI designation, and has taken all educational requirements for appraising Real Estate. Jody has had many years experience in the Real Estate Mortgage field, and the two together have a well rounded knowledge of all aspects of the Real Estate business.
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